If you were hurt in a personal injury accident, you probably have a number of questions about your rights and legal options. Fortunately, Attorney Mark Blane has answers. Browse answers to FAQs here.
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What am I required to have on my California bicycle in terms of lighting at night?
OBSTRUCTION OF PATHWAYS: Is it against the law for a bicyclist to obstruct pedestrian pathways under California law?
HELMET LAW: What does the California bicycle helmet law say?
RULES OF THE ROAD: Do California bicyclists have to obey the same rules of the road as California motorists?
RIGHT OF WAY: Do California bicyclists have the same right of way as pedestrians in California when it comes to other motorists?
What are the "reflector requirements" for a California bicyclist?
Must a bicyclist yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in California?
LEGAL CATEGORY: Is my San Diego California bicycle accident case a criminal or civil matter? Or can it be both?
BICYCLE LAWS: What type of special laws, if any, apply to a California bicyclist?
Can a dog cause a bicycle accident, and if so, who do you sue or go after for damages?
Can a defect to a bicycle be the cause of a bike accident, and if so, who do you sue under California law?
Why do some insurance companies deny California "Medical Pay" Claims?
INDEPENDENT MEDICAL EXAM: I was injured in a California motor vehicle accident that was not my fault, and now my own insurance company was me to submit to an Independent Medical Exam (IME) by a doctor it chooses. Do I have to go to this IME?
Should I agree to let my motor vehicle be repaired by the body shop the insurance company picks?
CALIFORNIA ACCIDENT - NECK INJURIES: What happens in a "Whiplash" Auto Accident?
Is there a California helmet law for scooters, skateboards, and inline skates?
BICYCLE HELMET LAW: Are children required to wear a bicycle helmet in California?
Who is most often at fault when it comes to a California bicycle v. auto accident?
What is "Discovery" in my California law suit?
Should I give a Recorded Statement to the insurance Claims Adjuster in my California Personal Injury case?