San Diego Personal Injury Attorney Mark C. Blane's website collects a large amount of useful information for victims of accidents in Southern California. For example, we see a lot of injury claims in San Diego County. What to do after a road or slip & fall accident? Can you sue the Government? What can you expect after a traumatic brain injury? What are the common injuries of a motorcycle accident? Are the insurance companies' settlement values decided by a computer? These and many other topics are outlined in our Library so you can compare, understand and ask the right questions.
Be sure to download Mr. Blane's FREE legal books you can use BEFORE you hire a Lawyer, call an Adjuster, or sign any Legal Forms. His California Personal Injury Guide, The 10 Secrets You Need To Know About Your Injury Case BEFORE You Call A Lawyer normally sells for $16.95, but it is yours FREE if you are a California resident, or a person injured in a California accident, and you need information NOW.
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10 Mistakes NOT to Make That Hurt Your Pedestrian Accident ClaimIt's easy to make mistakes after a pedestrian accident—after all, it hasn't happened to you before. Here are the top 10 errors victims make when filing claims.
Why Multi-Car Accidents Happen—and Why You Might Need Extra Help Settling an Injury ClaimAccidents involving multiple vehicles are complicated. Although you haven't done anything wrong, you may still have trouble getting injury compensation.
Why You and Your Family Might Suffer Catastrophic Injuries or Death in a Pedestrian AccidentMotorists cause many pedestrian accidents in California. Find out why these incidents happen, the compensation you can receive, and how to protect your rights.
How a Police Report Can Help You Win an Auto Collision ClaimDo you need a police report if you’re hurt in a car accident? Most likely, yes, because it can provide essential details to help your case.
Reasons for California Bicycle Accidents and What to Do If You or a Family Member Is Injured in OneUnderstanding the reasons for a bicycle crash is a good preventative measure. Knowing where to turn for trusted legal advice if one happens is also important.
The Serious Consequences of Head-On CollisionsOne of the deadliest car crashes is a head-on collision. Learn why they happen, and who to turn to if you were injured as a result.
Steps to Take After You're Injured in a Hit-and-Run Collision to Receive Proper CompensationIf you were hurt in a hit-and-run accident, you must identify the driver to hold him responsible for compensating you. Here, learn what steps you need to take.
Expert Witnesses That Can Help You Win an Auto Crash ClaimAre disputes with the negligent driver’s insurance company preventing you from settling your claim? Find out what experts can help you win your case.
Why You Need a Skilled Attorney If You Want to Win Your Auto Collision CaseAre you thinking of negotiating your car accident settlement? Here are five reasons why you need an experienced lawyer to win your case.
Side-Impact Auto Crashes: Why They Occur and Who Is LiableT-bone car accidents are common and extremely dangerous. Find out why California drivers cause them and why proving their negligence can be complicated.
Important Evidence to Win Your Auto Collision CaseGathering evidence after a car accident is critical to prove your right for compensation for injuries you might have suffered. Here's what you need to know.
Major Causes of Dangerous Rear-End Accidents in CaliforniaWhy are there so many rear-end collisions in California? Learn why negligent drivers cause these accidents and the traffic laws they may have violated.
What You Need to Know if Your Child Is Injured in a Car AccidentWas your child hurt in a California car crash? Find out the first steps you need to take and learn about your right to file a lawsuit on your child's behalf.
Leading Causes of Tragic Auto Crashes in CaliforniaVictims of serious car accidents in California often experience complicated injuries—or lose their lives. Learn about the reasons for these wrecks.
Your Right to Compensation As an Injured Passenger in an Auto CollisionYou’re entitled to compensation if you’re hurt in a car accident as a passenger. In this article, we explain the first steps to take for pursuing your claim.
Negligent Driving Behaviors that Cause Wrong-Way Auto CollisionsWhile less common than other car crashes, wrong-way accidents can result in more serious injuries. Here, learn how negligent driving behaviors are to blame.
ATV/Recreational Vehicle Accident Attorneys in California: Serious Injuries Can Result from these Types of VehiclesGet San Diego ATV Recreational Vehicle Accident Attorney Mark C. Blane many FREE legal help books on your ATV accident case - it has what you need!
California Trolley AccidentsCall California Trolley Accident Lawyer Mark C. Blane for information on your Legal Rights with these types of Accidents - call him at (619) 813-7955!
Vehicle Accidents Caused By Running Through a Stop Sign or Red LightCall California Red Light Violation Car Accident Attorney Mark C. Blane on your Injury Case Today at (619) 813-7955!
Were you injured in a California Taxi Cab Accident?Call San Diego California Taxi Cab Injury Lawyer Mark C. Blane at (619) 813-7955 to find out why he is different than other lawyers out there!