If you were hurt in a personal injury accident, you probably have a number of questions about your rights and legal options. Fortunately, Attorney Mark Blane has answers. Browse answers to FAQs here.
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In regards to a Minor Child's Settlement for bodily injury in California, what is a Blocked Account?
Where do most parents choose to open a Blocked Account for their Minor Child's Bodily Injury settlement in California?
Is it required under California law to have a Blocked Account opened in a Minor Child's Bodily Injury settlement?
How long does it take to set up a Minor Child's Blocked Account in California?
GUARDIAN AD LITEM DUTY: If I am named the Guardian Ad Litem for a Minor Child's California bodily injury settlement, what are my legal duties?
EARLY RELEASE OF SETTLEMENT FUNDS: How can a parent who is also the named Guardian Ad Litem request early withdrawal of a Minor Child's Settlement funds in California?
Is requesting early withdrawal of a Minor's Bodily Injury settlement funds from a Blocked Account easy to do?
What are some examples of "good cause reasons" to successfully petition the court for early withdrawal of settlement funds from a Minor Child's Blocked Account in California?
SIGNATURE REQUIREMENT: What signatures are needed in order to file a California Minor's Compromise and Release with the California Superior Courts?
CALIFORNIA INJURED CHILD | JUDGE'S APPROVAL: How long does the actual California Minor's Compromise and Release hearing normally take with the judge?
What kind of questions will the judge ask ME as the Guardian Ad Litem for a California Minor's Compromise and Release hearing?
What kind of questions will the judge ask the minor child in a California Minor's Compromise and Release hearing?